BE A part of making the world's schools powerful!

FOR VERY LITTLE, you can transform lives
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead
Who helped create the first edition of powerful, And OTHERs who are taking it to the world!

Who are helping create powerful children in their worlds
Every so often, you may have asked yourself: "What can I, an individual, do to help?" We are told that one person can change the world (or at least our part of it). Here's how.

choose ways to power up the children, Parents, educators and therapists in your life!
“How wonderful that no one need wait a single moment to improve the world.” Anne Frank
sponsor aN EVENT!
"Compassion is the radicalism of our time." the Dalai Lama
Create a Powerful party (at home, at a community get together, in a park, after school, or anywhere else suitable).
Invite your child's classmates, their friends, your nephews and nieces (and any available parents).
Read, sing and dance Powerful with the children, with great enthusiasm!
Use this event to propel you into creating a Powerful home.
Share this website with other parents, and explain how they too can make a positive difference within their community.
Let the magic begin!

sponsor a classroom!
"Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher, can change the world." Malala Yousafzai
Option one:
Speak to your child's teacher. Introduce them to this website. Ask if the teacher would be willing to read, sing and dance Powerful with her class. If your teacher is enthusiastic, gift them with a Powerful book (R200.00 excluding postage). Let the magic begin!
Option two:
Offer the school library a copy of this book. Introduce the librarian to this website. Ask if they would be willing to read, sing and dance Powerful during story time. If not, ask if they could ensure that each child had a chance to take it home. Ask also that they introduce fellow staff members to the book and this website. If they agree, gift them with a Powerful book (R200.00 excluding postage).
Let the magic begin!
sponsor a Powerful TV programme!
Corporates (or individuals) can sponsor the Powerful TV series! Your company name will be mentioned in the credits; there is a possible chance of product or logo placement inside the show, which needs to be approved; and be a proud part of growing the confidence and emotional intelligence of anyone who watches. Interested? Contact us!
And let the magic begin!
sponsor a school or institution!
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela
Chat with the principal of your child's school. Introduce them to this website and Powerful. If the principal is enthusiastic, offer to book and bring Alicia Thomas-Woolf to speak to the principal, teachers, board and/or parents regarding introducing Powerful into the school for younger and older students. If you are not in Johannesburg, sponsoring a school means covering:
* transportation costs outside Johannesburg (and, if necessary, accommodation.)
*A copy of Powerful for every classroom (R200.00 excluding postage).
If the principal then wishes to include Powerful into their syllabus, certification can be discussed.
Let the magic begin!
"In a gentle way, you can shake the world." Mahatma Gandhi
Corporates proud of their social responsibility programmes, NGOs looking for new tools and Government education departments looking to strengthen the students in their schools can also sponsor a new language addition of Powerful to support the different languages the children may speak! If board is enthusiastic, offer to book and bring Alicia Thomas-Woolf to speak to the relevant people regarding publishing a new language edition of Powerful. The sponsorship covers:
* transportation costs outside Johannesburg (and, if necessary, accommodation.) Then;
* current costs of translation for book
*current costs of publishing, printing and distribution
*current costs of song translation (including lyrics, singers, recording and other music publishing costs)
* unexpected costs, to be determined upon at the time.
If the thought of making such a change thrills you, contact Alicia Thomas-Woolf
Let the magic begin!
Become a voice for POWERFUL!
If you have seen and experienced the impact yourself, you/your company can also be a voice for Powerful! For example, Impact Learning, an innovative training company directed at Paediatric health care professionals, teachers and parents, is a strong voice for the efficacy of Powerful.
Cara Weir-Smith, Director at Impact Learning, says: "We are an approved provider with the South African Council for Educators (SACE), encouraging all health professionals and educators to keep up to date with their CPD and CPTD points. We are proud to add Powerful to our offerings. As we have seen ourselves, this is a tool every paediatric therapist, educator and parent can use to increase confidence in children, giving them life skills from an early age. "
If the thought of making others aware of Powerful excites you, contact Alicia Thomas-Woolf