Welcome to the kit-yourself-out Powerful page!
Some products you can also buy directly from online suppliers, such as Amazon (e-books and print); Takealot (for print books which contain the Powerful CD); CDbaby and iTunes (for the song); and Audible & other platforms (for the audio books and read-alongs).
Other products need to go through ada enup (the publisher of Powerful) to be purchased, such as T-shirts, clocks, posters, and any unique purchase you wish to order, such as Powerful stamps or stickers. The e-mail address is info@adaenup.co.za
You can also, in South Africa, go along to a brick and mortar shop such as Exclusive Books or Bargain Books and buy books there. They order from the distributor, Intersoft, if their copies are sold out.
Free products are available to download as well, to help you at home and in the classroom.
Happy shopping, and may these products help inspire the kids in your life to be POWERFUL!
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